Welcome to the Oklahoma Association of Nurse Anesthetists (OANA) websiteOANA is a statewide professional organization of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA's). We are dedicated to advancing and protecting the CRNA practice through professional advocacy and education; promoting practice excellence; ensuring patient safety; supporting members in personal wellness; and providing professional growth opportunities. VISION STATEMENT: Oklahomans have access to safe, high quality anesthesia care. MISSION STATEMENT: OANA is dedicated to advancing the practice of nurse anesthesia for the betterment of all Oklahomans through:
FOR PATIENTSLearn more about Anesthesia, patient safety, FAQ's and more. FOR STUDENTSGet information on the opportunities for students in Oklahoma. AANA Foundation - Consider making a donation to the AANA Foundation. The AANA Foundation is a charitable organization devoted to anesthesia research, education and development. The Foundation serves as the philanthropic arm of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. The Foundation funds scholarships, doctoral fellowships, post-doctoral fellowships, research grants, and oral "State of the Science" poster sessions, as well coordinates general poster sessions and the doctoral mentorship program. Philanthropist of the Year, Advocate of the Year, Researcher of the Year and Humanitarian of the Year Awards are presented annually by the AANA Foundation. Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter!
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